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How to Update WhatsApp Plus

How to Update WhatsApp Plus

You are familiar with WhatsApp and its functions. No doubt, it is one of the best social media platforms that makes you able to connect with your contacts with ease and quickly.

We have seen a lot of innovations in the field of communications after the invention of the telephone. First social media platforms only worked on desktop computers or laptops. But with time modern apps launched that makes us able to use on android phone.

The first and best app for android cell phones is WhatsApp that; people like, and it becomes a favorite social media app. But with time, many new features were introduced in WhatsApp. In 2012 its sister app named whatsapp gb plus or sometimes called WhatsApp blue introduced.

In this app, extended features than WhatsApp added to make users more managed. You should try this app, and you will find it a really nice app. But today, our topic is how to update WhatsApp plus? For more information, please read our below content.

How to update Whatsapp Plus?

How to update Whatsapp Plus

We will provide you with the three best and simple ways that will help you update your WhatsApp.

First Method:

Its first method is to update WhatsApp from the app on your phone that is very simple.

• First, go to Google play store.
• Now search about WhatsApp plus in the search bar of the play store.
• List of matching apps open, select the WhatsApp plus, and press on the app.
• Now see there you will find the update button; if there you find updated, then it means your version is modern, and you do not need to update. But if there you find to update, it means you should update your old version. Press the update button, and your app will start editing.
• When the update completes there, you will see an option open.
• Push the open button and use the new version of your WhatsApp.

Second Method:

The second method to update your WhatsApp plus app is manual. To check the manual update, please follows the below steps.

• Now open your Whatsapp plus app and go on the upper right corner to have three lines.
• While you tap on that button, a list of functions open, there you will find the setting option.
• Push the settings button.
• Now help option that will appear on pushing a setting button. Now tap on help.
• You will find the app info button click on it in the help menu, and you will see the detail of your WhatsApp version.
• Now check that version from the play store; if there is a previous version, update the app by following the above method.

Update WhatsApp Plus

Third Method:

If you are a new person who faces difficulty checking the functions, you can also get the advanced version simply, as below.

• First of all, create a backup of all your conversations from the back menu. You will find this menu on the right side three lines button.
• Now uninstall the version from your android cell phone.
• When you have uninstalled, then go to play store and download the WhatsApp plus again.
• This will be an updated version of WhatsApp plus.
• But the issue with this version is that you will again reset all your profiles and code verification, and maybe you may lose some data.

Final Thoughts:

No one can deny the importance of WhatsApp. It is really the best media platform that is a fast and better means of communication with your contacts.

If your WhatsApp plus showing an error, you should check that it may need an update. We have provided you with exact and straightforward details on how to update WhatsApp plus.

How to Update WhatsApp Plus
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