Teddington River Festival

Teddington River Festival and Teddington RNLI Lifeboat Station

Dieting? Ten Worst Ways to Lose Weight

Ten Worst Ways to Lose Weight

Most of us have done dumb things to try to lose weight. If there were just 10 dumb ways – we’ve probably tried each of them. Not only that, but another time we’ll try them again. Silly, isn’t it?


1. We starve ourselves for awhile.
Of course that doesn’t work as soon we can’t stand it and not only do we eat, but we devour whatever’s in sight.

2. We go on a specialized diet – you’ve heard them all.
Whether it’s grapefruit, cabbage, low-cal – low this or that – they might be great for a day or two. But who wants to even have in the back of their mind that this is all they’ll be able to eat the rest of their lives. That cabbage soup is fine – if it is served with other dietary needs for a day or two.

3. We shop for and eat the same thing week after week..
Even if you love it, you’ll soon be sniffing around for something different. Apples are great, but so are oranges and peaches and blueberries.

4. We NEVER go off our diet – not even a tiny bite.
No chocolate ever again? I don’t think so. Hey, what about that bag of candy you have sneaked away in the bottom of your drawer so no one will know?

5. Someone is nagging us to lose weight – or we’re nagging someone else.
It is a known fact that each of us must be ready to eat less and more healthy prior to being successful in losing or maintaining weight.

6. We neglect being with friends because of our diet.
Silly us – when do we need our friends the most? Of course, when we need some true support during our lives.

7. We tell everyone about our diet.
Tell everyone and someone will soon tell you that you’re crazy. You’re fine how you are, you don’t need to lose weight, you’ve tried it before and just gained it back and 101 other nice things you don’t need to hear.

8. We tell no-one about our diet.
On the other hand, if you share it with no one, you will have no one to share your great accomplishments. Or maybe you just don’t want that someone to see picking a big hand-ful of M&M;’s that could have saved you a pound.

9. We cheat.
Letting ourselves believe that a little spoonful or this – or that – won’t hurt anything will keep us from shaving off pounds.

10. Some of us do not actually understand portion control.
We were told to clean our plate as children. Often times the foods were heavy and could pack on pounds. We just don’t get it that too much of any one thing can prevent us from losing those extra pounds. Salads are good, pouring tons of dressing over the top, is not!

My own weight loss journeys
Many weight loss articles and events through the years.

Dieting? Ten Worst Ways to Lose Weight
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